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Solution to Casteism : Islam

Islam: The solution to Casteism
| Dar Javed

Racism and Casteism are the evils that repeatedly try to engulf society. These are not newly coined terms as people have been through these problems from time to time. Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race and ethnicity, while casteism is a blind group loyalty towards one’s own caste or sub-caste, which does not care for the interests of other castes, and seeks to realize the social, economic, political and other interests of its own group’. Where racism leads to suppression of people because of their physical characteristics, casteism leads the members of one caste to exploit the members of another caste for their vested interest in the name of superiority or inferiority. They had brought a lot of disasters to humankind. The hatred which is felt against other races is responsible for majority of conflicts , clashes and civil wars around the world .for instance , Rascism brought to Africa continent for long years violence , clashes , wars , starvation had misery .the concept of Rascism suggests that one particular race is ,either physically or mentally or both superior to another and that is unnecessarily for the superior one to have feelings of mercy ,compassion and respect for the other . Where Nelson Mandela is considered a symbol of struggle against racism in Africa and is familiar throughout the world, B.R Ambedkar -a great Indian leader is credited to have played a key role in the abolition of casteism in India.
With the growth of these problems interestingly, modern world has become concerned about such issues . but our religion_ the religion of peace has given a sense about it 1400 years ago. If I would say Islam is first religion that has uprooted eradicated such evils, it would not be a mistake.
In the Qur’an ,Allah (SWT) declares that various nations and tribes exist so that “People might come to know each other “ .The diversity of nations ,Races , tribes and languages is a beauty peculiar to Allah’s creation. The Qur’an mentions :
mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.
The above verse is clear no matter by what criteria human beings are judged in this world ,In God’s eye ,Superiority consists of closeness to him ,and fear to him . Islam protects honour. In Islam, insulting others or making fun of them because of caste, creed, race, etc is not permitted. Prophet Muhammad saw) said :
“An Arab has no superiority over a non Arab nor a non-Arab over an Arab and a white person has no superiority over a black person ,nor a black person over a white person – except in piety .
History has witnessed the era when Abubakr (R.A)' and Bilal e Habshi (R.A) used to sit side by side in the same row and same place in Mosque of Medina.
To summarize, Islam provides a perfect harmony between the individual and society holding both in concert with each other. In Islam there is no space for Rascism , islam throughout its history has not discriminated on basis of caste ,Creed or colour .Every prophet preached a message of Equality .
The need of the hour is to be obedient to Allah and follow the teachings of our Prophet Muhammad SAW- the successful personality in both religious as well secular fields ,that is only the solution to our present-day problems. Let's pledge to be faithful to Allah and promote and propagate the true message of Islam (based on loyalty, love, peace, compassion and affection), which is being demonized on every platform.


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