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Showing posts from March, 2020

Lockdown and beyond : A looming crisis

LOCKDOWN AND BEYOND : a looming Crisis Dar Javed first glance, India seems like a coronavirus success story, with its relatively low number of cases compared with the rest of the world. But a closer look reveals a grim reality: It’s likely only months away from a major health crisis. India's high population density has made it more prone to the covid 19 virus sweeping across the globe. With 650 positive cases so far and thirteen casualties, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered 1.3 billion residents to stay home to keep India from sliding into a disaster that could dwarf what China, Italy, Spain and the United States have faced.The spread of the coronavirus and the unplanned lockdowns have created economic havoc in the lives of the millions who are part of the informal sector – not just daily wagers, but also workers of the gig economy. According to the Employment-Unemployment Survey, 2015-’16, over 80% of India’s workforce is employed in the informal sector. One-third are c
#My Take Is THE YOUTH of INDIA ConFUSED OR CONFIDENT DAR JAVED  It is rightly believed that the young population of any country is its #biggest asset. As a matter of fact, the young people of a country make the most coveted human resource of any nation. India is the second fastest growing #economy in the world and it is believed that if the youth of this country is projected in the right direction, it wouldn’t be late before the economy starts progressing even more and becomes the fastest growing economy of the world. According to a survey conducted in 2007, approximately 60% of the population of India consists of people below the age of 24. Hence, the youth power of this nation is extremely high. The question however is- Is the youth of India #motivated enough to strive for change and for good? Is the youth of India #confident enough to make a change in the society and the fate of the country? Or, is the youth of India, more than anything else, is #confused about the direction