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Showing posts from August, 2018
ROYAL ART WITH UNMATCHED LUXURY            Story of the Royal  Pashmina    Dar Javed  Kashmiri Pashmina refers to the Fabric woven out of Pashm wool by Artisans from Kashmir. Pashm is the raw material used in weaving Pashmina and refers to the fine, fleece of Pashmina goats classified as“Capra Hiracus”. These goats graze at high altitudes in Himalayan ranges. Fabric Pashmina (also known as Pashm) is fine cashmere wool, coming from Kashmir in India and some parts of Nepal. The word ‘Pashmina’ comes from the Persian word ‘Pashmineh’ which means ‘made from Pashm’, and Pash means wool in Persian. The Iranians, who came to Kashmir via the Ladakh route, gave the fabric its name, ‘Pashmina’. The famous Pashmina Shawls are made from this fine fiber. The Most unique aspect of Kashmir Pashmina is: The fineness of the Pashm wool is between 14-16 microns while the finest sheep’s wool being 23 microns thick and the human hair ranges up to 200 microns. One can easily spot the difference.